marți, 27 iulie 2010

TED "Why the world needs WikiLeaks" si libertatea presei

Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks | Video on

Aproape de final, vorbesc de Islanda si de libertatea presei, de unanimitatea voturilor ce au consimtit la multe lucruri frumoase... si de alte popoare nordice ce sprijina acesta libertate fundamentala a omului. De ce de fiecare data cand ma gandesc la ei am senzatia ca diferenta dintre noi si Africa este mult mai mica (decat cea inspre nordici, care imi pare gigantica), ca Africa recupereaza si pe alocuri chiar castiga (Africa are destule universitati acum mult peste nivelul celor din Romania)

Sa citez cate ceva din transcriptul discutiei referitor la consecintele cauzate de WikiLeaks in Islanda:
"[...] went to Iceland and spoke about this issue. And there was a feeling in the community that that should never happen again (problema pe care au dezvaluit-o ei ar trebui sa nu se mai poata intampla vreodata si pentru asta ei ar trebui incurajati, sa demaste mai devreme neregulile). And as a result, working with some Icelandic politicians and some other international legal experts, we put together a new sort of package of legislation for Iceland to sort of become an offshore haven for the free press, with the strongest journalistic protections in the world, with a new Nobel Prize for freedom of speech. Iceland's a Nordic country so, like Norway, it's able to tap into the system. And just a month ago, this was passed by the Icelandic parliament unanimously.