sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2007

Past Life Test

Come out and play — in your previous life, you were a hamster named Vladimir. Here's what we know about you: Born on the plains of Siberia, you spent your early years weathering harsh winters, drinking vodka, and attending committee meetings.

Daca vreti sa va distrati si sa aflati ce ati fost intr-o viata anterioara sau sa faceti alte teste interesante click pe tickle.


Vlad spunea...

"Not much is certain in life — past or present — but we know this much about you: In your last life you were a sultry leopard named Lola. You were a showgirl, with yellow feathers in your hair and a dress cut down to there. You would meringue and do the cha-cha. And one night at the Copacabana (the hottest spot north of Havana), you fell in love with Tony, the handsome bartender. Tony fought Rico (he wore a diamond) for you and won. The two of you grew old and happy together, joyfully dancing your lives away at the club to the soulful tunes of Barry Manilow."
Se potriveste un pic :))

BlindGirl spunea...

Adica dansezi like a pro? :P

Anonim spunea...

Hey, not fair. I've been a hamster named Vladimir too. Ori erau prea multi hamsteri numiti Vladimir in Siberia... ori nu stiu..

BlindGirl spunea...

Hey, Siberia is big and Vladimir a common Russian name :P

Vlad spunea...

I don't do the cha-cha but I meringue :))